MLR is now offering a rebuilt Ram ProMaster gearbox control actuator. The kit includes all of the essential components such as the shift actuator, pump with a new electric motor, clutch slave and solenoids.
The unit includes the following:
- A new electric motor
- A new temperature sensor
- A new pressure sensor
- New o-rings and seals throughout the entire assembly
- A new accumulator
- A rebuilt clutch slave
Failure of Promaster gearbox control actuator will cause system to fail at different shifting scenarios and will trigger error codes that might not directly point to actuator damage.
A core fee of $250 USD has been added to the pricing. Upon return of your old unit, we will refund the core fee.
Customers can also benefit from a one-year warranty, assuring them of its quality and reliability. The ProMaster pump is warrantied and as part of this coverage it is mandatory that you change any related fuses and relays associated with the system. If you have previously had a failure with the motor it is imperative that you change the relay and/fuses. Not doing so could cause erratic switching on/off times of pump and lead to damage of new components.
If you are looking for individual components we sell them as well. Unfortunately, individual components are not sold separately by Ram.
Related part numbers:
- 68644207AA
- 68226914AA
- 68350547AA
- 68375750AA
- 68394415AA
- 68443815AA